Thursday, September 6, 2007

Gud or bad?

I'm talking about long distance relationships. The question is, do they have the slightest chance of working out without having to devote your whole life to it or are they just best avoided? I mean, normal relationships are hard enough right? So when you add on the whole mis communication factor plus trust issues and everything else that could possibly go in relationships, the answer is quite simple...rite...?
Now look at it from this angle. True, long distance is the ultimate test for any relationship. So let's say miracles of all miracles you guys actually DO manage to get through it? Doesn't that prove what you have is solid? That whatever you guys went through was oh so worth it? Is it possible, that on some level, that long distance is actually.....good? Maybe its true...maybe absence does make the heart grow fonder.
So the question remains, long distance-is it worth the shot?


kaiza shozey said...

i dont think thats the question u need to ask urself dho. u shud be asking "is he worth the shot?"

normal relationships are hard enough? :S err.....cant agree with that one. how can it be hard? well, in my experience it all kinda fell into place and made the rest of the aspects in my life much better cos of it. life suddenly seemed so beautiful. the difference could easily be seen. im sure u mustve felt that too right?

and long distance would work if both of u have an understanding of each other's situation dho. if u guys understand that its sumthing u have to do and that some day all that waiting would be worth it right? yea, its gonna be hard. so i ask again. "is HE worth it?"

Anonymous said...

well, if do get into a long distance relationship...let's put it this way.

What happens in Malaysia stays in Malaysia =)

Juna said...

dude i dont plan on cheating! =P