Wednesday, July 4, 2007

And so it begins again...

..and not surprisingly, has a single thing changed. Just more breaks. Joy. Oh believe me,those breaks would have been greatly appreciated if I lived somewhere nearby and I could run home(or rather walk slowly) to catch a quick shut eye or something. But as it is and there is absolutely nothing productive to do AT ALL during my normal 3 hour breaks, those breaks come detested. Detested! Sigh, I know it's been 6 months but I'm still not used to the malaysian way of life. I haven't even been able to master the language of 'lahs,mas and mehs' yet! And that's saying alot. And how I miss having a biiig group of friends around as I would in Male'. Hmm...maybe I should have joined CHSE. Heh. I dont dislike Malaysia THAT much.

But honestly speaking,chilling with Justin and Mervyn at AC,cafe'and starbucks does have a certain appeal. We dont go to Cabanna much these days(and I cant say I'm paticularly upset about this fact). Now that I think about it, it's probably because we dont hang out with the girls these days who were the ones that always insisted on going to Cabanna in the first place. Sometimes I wonder if thats how I act around my girl friends back in Male'.Maybe.Probably. So why can't I fit it or even want to fit in with my most of my female friends here? Most guys, I instantly click with, but the girls always leave me feeling like my brains too big for my head. And that hardly ever happaned in Maldives. Oh well. I like feeling smart.

Coming to the acedamics, the CAL office people(god bless their little souls) assigned us one of the best economics teachers at taylors. Sadly, we're still stuck with Sunthary for our tutorials. Oh how I dislike her's like she sucks all the knowledge out of our brains and it then vanishes into thin air, never to be seen again. Hmm..that reminds me, she's on MC so class doesnt start till 9 tomorro (late class = one extra hour of sleep *happy sigh*). We even start at 9 on Mondays and Wednesdays. Ahh, Sem 2 at Taylors might not be too bad afterall.

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