Saturday, November 10, 2007

It's been ages...

but I'm back. For now, anyway. Life hasn't really given me much to blog about lately....well, nothing which I can blog about that won't require some serious editing out. Thus, I've been sticking to pouring my heart out(or rather my really confused thoughts) into my journal.

Thank god I'm almost done with my AS exams(farewell, thinking skills. You shall not be missed.) I swear, they've been dragging on FOREVER. The Cambridge people are out to get us all. No shit. It's a conspiracy, I tell you...the 2007 brain drain(like the one in Iraq? never let it be said that I'm lacking in the area of trivial knowledge.heh.) My exams haven't been bad so far....better than my trials, anyway. But considering my grades ( or lack of), that's not saying much, is it? Oh well.

Well this has been an utterly yawn-worthy entry *sighs and thinks of how boring exams have made her*

1 comment:

kaiza shozey said...

heyyyy. ur baaaack. finally. abt time ey. and thank god we can FINALLY comment on ur blog again. good to have u back *hugs*

Lets hope ull be able to tell ur results to ppl this time ;)